Wildfowling by definition is the hunting of ducks and geese in a harsh environment on the tidal marshes and foreshore. It is however way more than that; to anyone who has woken at 02:30, walked out and set up in the dark on a cold winter morning. Sat listening to the marsh come to life and then witnessed a morning flight, it's just the best! Every wildfowler has their own reason for trudging on to the marsh before first light or as the evening sun begins to set; however, the the one thing that runs through all wildfowlers is a passion and enthusiasm for the natural world.
​Shooting occurs between September and February, and normally takes place at dawn and dusk. Shooting may also be possible at other times depending on the tidal conditions. Ducks and geese are a wild and wary quarry, and it requires great skill to outwit them. Often this can only be done when the weather is at its worst, and unlike most other estuary users, wildfowlers eagerly look forward to stormy or cold conditions.
Anglesey Wildfowling Club provides it's members some of the most diverse and beautiful areas to shoot, both inland and on the foreshore. As a member of the club you'll have access to the members area of this site which has all the locations and maps in the form of PDF's or KLM downloads that can be used in Google Earth.
The sport is regulated by the 1968 Firearms Act, which controls the possession and use of shotguns, and the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act, which prescribes the seasons and circumstances in which wild birds may be hunted. In addition, wildfowlers operate to strict codes of practice issued by the sport's governing body, the British Association for Shooting and Conservation.